The Case for the Fur Almuce
Despite this blog still being in its infancy, we have already displayed affection for antique and long-abandoned vestments. In this post, we turn from early 20th century Catholicism and turn to the English isle, 600-500 years ago.
Doubtless readers in the Anglican tradition are familiar with the use of the tippet and academic hood in choir, and it is equally likely that readers in the Roman tradition know well the mozzetta. What most people do not know, however, is that that all these items were preceded by a fur article called the Almuce. (We must of course emphasize that the Almuce is entirely different and distinct from the Amice).
The origins of this vestment are in a sort of fur hat, often even with ears. It gradually became an elbow-length shoulder cape (either fastened at the neck or wrapping fully around the wearer). The hood meanwhile began shrinking and eventually became a rather vestigial ornament affixed to the back. Two long pieces trailed below on the front of the cape, not unlike a stole or tippet. At some point, the scarf and hood became the fabric tippet and academic hood in England, and was replaced by the fabric mozzetta on the continent. However, a version of the Almuce, without the tippet and often trimmed with animal tails, was retained by RC Canons up until very recently.
First image: old illustrations of three ‘14th century’ almuces (top row). (The original image includes a ‘15th century’ almuce, but we are not using it here as it disagrees with various other sources).
Second and third images: a modern recreation of a canon’s almuce, as would have been seen at the end of the 14th century or during the 15th. These images are from ‘Divers Other Monks’ on Youtube.
Fourth image: a Catholic priest or canon, c.1900. This form, usually without the elaborate cord and tassels, was probably developed in the 16th century.
We find the almuce in the 15th century style pictured in the two photos above, to be a dignified and, dare we say, practical Anglican choir garment. It is of decidedly English heritage, and is really just the original and unsullied form of the familiar tippet and academic hood. It is also deeply practical keeping warm in choir on cold evenings and mornings.
It is also, as we can best surmise, a piece of clothing suitable for ecclesiastics of all ranks. We have definite evidence of it being worn by bishops, canons, vicars, those with doctoral degrees, and even inferior clergy. Through various evidence, including the writings of Dearmer, we would venture to prescribe that the almuce should be made of fine grey fur (genuine or faux) for bishops and canons, brown fur of a lesser quality for other priests and clergy. Inferior clergy should wear it in black, either of fur or cloth.
Perhaps one day we will go about having an almuce made, but in the meantime, it will likely remain an abandoned artifact of the Anglican Patrimony.
A much more complete picture of the history of the Almuce, and photos of it, may be found in:
The Ornaments of the Ministers, by Percy Dearmer (available online)
This wonderful video from Divers Other Monks