Capes & Cloaks Part 1: The Curtailed & Folded Cappa Magna

The Cappa Magna- the long train worn by prelates, with a hood lined with silk (and formerly, ermine), is typically associated with ultra-traditionalist Roman Catholicism. (For example, it is a favorite of Raymond Cardinal Burke, whom wikipedia describes as ‘a de facto leader of the church’s conservative wing’).

Despite it’s notorierty, it is rarely seen in the Roman church, and even more rarely in the Anglican Communion- in fact, it is nearly entirely unheard of. However, the Cappa Magna has been used by Episcopal bishops at St. Clement’s in Philadelphia on at least one occasion. There is also a related Anglican garment, the chimere with train.


Of particular interest is the form of the Cappa Magna often described as ‘folded and curtailed’, which is never seen in current times. The Cappa Magna is a jurisdictional garment indicative of prelatial dignity, used for solemn occasions. It’s purpose is similar to the historic use of the Mozzetta. However, the curtailed and folded variant indicates a lack of jurisdiction, or lesser dignity. As such, it was worn by Canons of various cathedral churches, and prelates assisting at the Papal Throne.

In the landmark text ‘Costume of the Prelates of the Catholic Church’, John Nainfa wrote the following description in 1925:

The other cappa, curtailed and folded, is worn by Bishops and certain Prelates di mantelletta when attending the Papal " Chapels, " and also by Canons, to whom it is conceded by a special indult of the Pope.

The cape of this cappa is similar to that of the other; but the vestment itself is so curtailed that it is reduced to a wide plaited band hanging on the back and ending in a short train. This train, however, is never let down, for the flowing train is a mark of jurisdiction; it is lifted up, twisted and tied with a purple ribbon, with which it is suspended from the left side of the cape. Thus twisted and tied up, this train symbolizes a restricted jurisdic tion, or absence of jurisdiction.


The folded & curtailed cappa might be obtained and worthily worn by Canons of the Episcopal church in certain circumstances, as long as it befits the occasion and runs little risk of offending the faithful.

For further reading, Nainfa’s text is a fascinating study of preconciliar Roman prelatial dress. It can be read for free online here.


Capes & Cloaks Part 2: the Choir Cope


Traditional Dress of Papal MCs